Africa Trends

International Law Matters: Implications of the ICJ Reparations Judgment in the DRC v. Uganda Case

The ruling is considered the most detailed decision of the United Nations' top court in war compensation and signifies the occupying powers' reparation duties for damages resulting from its direct and indirect actions that violate international law. The judgement is undoubtedly historic and destined to act as a precedent for future cases. It once again establishes the fact that international law matters in situations of interstate armed conflicts.

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African Union @ 20: Addressing Peace and Security Challenges on the Continent

The African Union (AU) marks its 20th anniversary this year, marking two decades of searching for African solutions for African problems. The recent COVID-19 pandemic and continuous conflicts in some parts of the region have made the going tough. It is clear that as the African Union prepares to celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2022, it should redouble efforts to address the peace and security challenges on the continent.

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Turmoil in Tunisia

Tunisia faces serious socio-economic, political and security challenges. There is a degree of political disarray on top of a serious economic problem aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic. A decade after Arab Spring, Tunisia is once again at a crossroads, and its future depends on the ability of Tunisians to find a way out of the crisis, without compromising on the democratic gains made since 2011.

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Scope for India-Africa Cooperation in Countering Terrorism

Both AU and the UN have identified clear areas where the capacities for counter-terrorism in Africa have been found wanting. India is in a position to share and build capacities in areas of its competence and comfort. Such help would be along the lines of the Indian policy of building state capacities. Having grappled with terrorism in a democratic set-up, India is also in a position to share its experience of making law enforcement systems respect the fundamental rights of human beings.

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The Impact of Indian Initiatives in Africa: Reflections on the Cooperation in the Health Sector

Looking forward into the post-COVID era, it can be seen that India and Africa will further come together in collaboration with respect to the development of healthcare infrastructure and the reduction of emerging health issues. Other than providing regular medical checkups and post-covid care to patients, the Indian private sector has extended other initiatives.  Health care will continue as an arena for India-Africa cooperation in times to come.

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Al-Shabaab in Somalia: Terrorist Trends in the Pandemic Years

Challenges, such as weak infrastructure and ill-equipped armed forces, corruption, pandemic, and drought, have become intrinsic to Somalia, mutually reinforcing each other. Additionally, they have been exploited by terrorists to advance their Islamist cause. While re-evaluating counter-terrorism strategies to defeat al-Shabaab, the allied partners should carefully consider these factors’ role in sustaining the insurgency and address the security crisis – state and human security – accordingly.

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Unraveling the String of Coups in Africa

The surge in coups threatens democratic processes and political stability in Africa. The root causes triggering the coups need attention. Government and political architecture in the continent have to be enabled and empowered. Political will, reform of organisational response and international support will play a key role in addressing the issue.

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