Monalisa Adhikari

Monalisa Adhikari is Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi.


Politics and Perceptions of Indian Aid to Nepal

India has significantly invested in Nepal’s development through economic assistance since 1952. Despite deploying aid to win the hearts and minds of the people of Nepal, India has not entirely succeeded in doing so. Paradoxically, an analysis of Indian aid and gaps in the planning, processes, modalities and perceptions of India’s motivation shows that it has possibly contributed to the fuelling of anti-India sentiments among the Nepalese population.

Renewed American Engagement with Nepal’s Maoists

America’s removal of Nepal’s ruling Maoist party from the list of global terrorist groups not only recognises the party’s transformation from a “violent” political outfit to a political party committed to democratic norms, but also signals renewed US interest in Nepal.