R. Sukumaran

Wg Cdr R. Sukumaran was a Research Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. He is an Air Force fighter pilot and has operated on both INS Vikrant and INS Viraat. His research interests include military history, technology and the use of air power.


Operationalising the Gorshkov: An Appraisal

The paper takes a critical look at various issues connected with India’s acquisition of the Russian aircraft carrier, the Admiral Gorshkov. It examines India’s choice of fighter and various problems it is likely to face in making the carrier operational and fully effective for its task. It recommends the early acquisition of aerial refuelling and early warning systems by the Navy. The paper also argues for greater jointmanship among the services and an increase in specialist cross-postings in order to improve inter-service rapport and the pool of trained manpower.

The 1962 India-China War and Kargil 1999: Restrictions on the Use of Air Power

The paper examines the utilisation of air power in the 1962 India-China war and in the 1999 Kargil conflict. The study reveals a certain continuity in the attitudes to the use of offensive air power in limited conflicts. Both in 1962 and in 1999, the use of air power was hedged about with various restrictions. Underlying these appears to be the belief that the use of offensive air power is fundamentally escalatory. Hence there is a hesitation to commit offensive air power assets.