Promotion System in the Army: Dealing with Peacetime Atrophy

G. D. Bakshi
Major General (Retd.) G. D. Bakshi is a Senior Fellow at United Services Institution of India. He has earlier been a Research Fellow at Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses,… Continue reading Promotion System in the Army: Dealing with Peacetime Atrophy read more

In practice, it has been found that a peacetime army tends to atrophy and lose its war fighting orientation. It develops a lopsided emphasis on peacetime routine, spit and polish. In fact, a wartime army may well be the very anti-thesis of a peacetime army. Years of non-use of the military instrument sometimes results in the rusting of its value system and ethos. It is a primary challenge for military leaders, therefore, to maintain and sustain peak combat efficiency during spells of peace; to anticipate the nature of future conflicts and organize, equip and train the army to prepare for these.

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