The Future of Energy Consumption, Security and Natural Gas: LNG in Baltic Sea Region

Pramod Jaiswal
Pramod Jaiswal is Research Intern from Nepal at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. He is also a Ph.D. candidate at South Asian Studies, School of International… Continue reading The Future of Energy Consumption, Security and Natural Gas: LNG in Baltic Sea Region read more
Book Review

Energy transition is defined as a structural change in energy balance when some fuels are replaced with others. This process of structural transition, however, does not lead to an ultimate replacement of fuel but a substantial reduction of its share. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is widely considered a transition fuel that will eventually lead to a shift to the renewable energy system. LNG provides an alternative to coal, oil, nuclear energy and pipeline gas, as it helps reduce carbon emissions. However, the LNG supply chain, including liquefaction, storage, transportations via LNG tankers, and re-gasification, is associated with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, resulting in additional LNG emissions compared to pipeline gas.

Keywords: Gas, Renewable Energy