Interpreting the Chinese Dicourse on State in the Era of Globlization

Abanti Bhattacharya
Dr. Abanti Bhattacharya is Associate Professor at the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi. Prior to this she was Associate Fellow at Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. read more

Under the impact of globalization the Chinese state is caught in the dilemma of intensifying economic reforms on the one hand, and maintaining authoritarian rule on the other. This dichotomy has put China at the crossroads and precipitated a debate between its Left and the Right groups on the direction the Chinese state should take. Hu Jintao sought to address this dilemma by formulating the concept of harmonious development. However, there are doubts on how an authoritarian China will reconcile with the two opposing forces of globalization and authoritarianism and thereby achieve a truly harmonious society.

Keywords: China