Alok Rashmi Mukhopadhyay


Archive data: Person was Associate Fellow at IDSA from October 2003 to October 2010

Joined IDSA
October 2003
European Union, EU-India Strategic Partnership, Radical Islam in the West, Terrorism Education, MA (German Studies), The English & Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad
Current Project
EU’s role in India’s Neighbourhood, NATO, Changing nature of Counter-Terrorism
Mr. Mukhopadhyay is a regular contributor to print media and specialised websites on security and strategic affairs and has authored reports and Issue Briefs on crucial issues. He has frequently been interviewed by English, German and vernacular newspapers as well as consulted by foreign diplomats and experts. Mr. Mukhopadhyay was a Salzburg Seminar Fellow in June 2005. He has participated and presented papers in international conferences in India and Europe. He is also in the guest faculty of the Foreign Services Institute (FSI), Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi.
Select Publications
“The Tale of a Troubled Time”, Strategic Analysis, Vol, 32, No. 5, September-October, 2008.
“The EU-India Strategic Partnership: From benign neglect to gradual acceptance”, Economic Papers 43, Warsaw: Institute for International Studies, Warsaw School of Economics, 2008.
“India-EU Strategic Partnership: Need for Multiple Bridges”, Indian Foreign Affairs Journal, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 2, No. 4, October-December. 2007.
“Radical Islamic Organisations in Europe: South Asia in Their Discourse”, Strategic Analysis, Routledge Publication, Vol. 3, No. 2, March- April 2007.
“Radical Islam in Europe: Misperceptions and Misconceptions” in Tahir Abbas (Ed.), Islamic Political Radicalism: A European Perspective, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007.
“The Terror Scenario in Europe”, Strategic Analysis, Vol. 28, No. 2, April-June 2004
Other Publications
Associate Fellow
Email: armukhopadhyay[at]idsa[dot]in
Phone: +91 11 2671 7983


The new government in Berlin

On the eve of the formation of the new government it is expected that Germany would mainly devote its energy at home as the mandate is for continuity in the time of economic recession. No spectacular point-of-departure in foreign policy can hence be expected from Berlin.