Jasjit Singh

Air Commodore Jasjit Singh, AVSM, VrC, VM, IAF (Retd.) was Director of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi.


Indian Ocean in Global Strategies Some Perspectives

“Whoever controls the Indian Ocean dominates Asia. This ocean is the key to the seven seas. In the twenty-first century the destiny of the world will be decided on its waters”. - Alfred Mahan

The prospects for conflict and/or cooperation in the Indian Ocean are affected by multi-dimensional factors. These prospects, however, have an immediate and direct influence and relationship with the security environment of the Indian Ocean and its littoral states; and most of the factors, in fact, arise out the strategic environment itself.

Pakistan Occupied Kashmir: Under the Jackboot

Publisher: Genesis Publications
ISBN: 81-7020-680-4

Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK), which is the territory which Pakistan had acquired through aggression way back in 1947, remains as a no-man's-land which the world community seems to have forgotten. Comprising of nearly one-third of the original sovereign state of Jammu and Kashmir, it represents one of the biggest human tragedies of the contemporary political map of the world.

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  • Published: 1995