Kishore Kumar Khera


Archive data: Person was Research Fellow at IDSA
Group Captain Kishore Kumar Khera, VM (Retd) was a Research Fellow at the Military Affairs Centre in the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. He served as a fighter pilot in the Indian Air Force for 33 years. He is alumnus of the National Defence Academy and Defence Services Staff College. He has served in Plans and Operational Branches at Air Headquarters as well as in the High Commission of India, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is a pioneer member of the Composite Battle Response and Analysis (COBRA) Group and headed the Operational Planning and Assessment Group at Air Headquarters. He conceptualised, designed and deployed multiple tools and processes for efficient and effective operational planning and execution. His publications include: Lebanon–Yemen Marathon: Hezbollah Head and Houthi Legs, Hybrid Warfare: The Changing Character of Conflict, Pentagon Press (2018)

E-mail: adakk9[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in


Japan’s Self-Defense Forces: A Decade after Reorganisation

Japan banks heavily on her security alliance with the United States (US) to ensure availability of requisite military capability in the region. China’s economic and military capabilities have grown in the last two decades, closing the gap with the US. With diminishing differential, especially with respect to China, the US’ deterrence power has gradually declined. Under these conditions, Japan has to develop Self-Defense Forces (SDF) capabilities to ensure that it, in combination with its alliance partner, the US, is able to meet national security challenges.

Unpacking UK Combat Air Strategy

The UK Combat Air Strategy unveiled on July 16, 2018 can actually be termed as the Combat Aircraft Industry Strategy. India, with a nearly non-existing aircraft industry, can benefit by understanding the key rationales underpinning the CAS.

Indian Aircraft Industry: Possible Innovations for Success in the Twenty-First Century, by Vivek Kapur

Taking off in 1940 with the establishment of Hindustan Aircraft Limited (later named Hindustan Aeronautics Limited or HAL), the Indian aviation industry has grown in spurts over the past seven decades and more. During the initial phase, HAL provided maintenance support to various combat aircraft of the allied forces in World War II and, subsequently, commenced licenced production of combat aircraft. After Independence in 1947 and its nationalisation, HAL grew in strength to design combat aircraft.

Agni 5 Tested: What Next?

Weapon development programs are successful when technological innovations are matched with national strategic goals. Further development of the Agni-5 should be based on the objectives of adding to the overall combat potential and augmenting deterrence.

High Command: British Military Leadership in the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, by Christopher L. Elliott

Defeats are orphans and very educative. Most defeats are, in fact, manifestation of erroneous judgments or equipment failure, or a combinations of the two. In case the defeats are of military force application then the costs are very high. The United Kingdom’s (UK) military missions and the losses in Iraq and Afghanistan can be classified as failures, if not outright defeats, and have thrown up significant lessons about its higher defence management.

Nigerian Air Force and COIN Operations

The Nigerian Air Force’s impending acquisition of the JF-17 is a cautionary tale of the need for armed forces everywhere to assess their respective operational environment in a realistic manner and then devise an appropriate equipment procurement strategy.