Reshmi Kazi


Archive data: Person was Associate Fellow at IDSA

Joined IDSA
September 2007
India’s nuclear weapon policy, nuclear non-proliferation studies, nuclear security, nuclear terrorism and global nuclear disarmament.  Also follow issues related to bio-terrorism and chemical terrorism and have written and published on these issues.
Doctorate Degree from the Disarmament Division, Centre for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament (CIPOD), School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Current Project
Assessing the Standards of Nuclear Security: A Critical Evaluation
Area of Specialization
Doctoral thesis is on Evolution of India’s Nuclear Doctrine: A Study of Political, Economic and Technological Dimensions. Earlier worked as a Research Fellow in the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, New Delhi. During this period she worked on a project titled Weapons of Mass Destruction in South Asia, which was funded by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI). In IDSA published a monograph titled “Nuclear Terrorism: The New Terror of the 21st Century”
Additionally, research agenda includes the following

issues relating to nuclear testing and nuclear non-proliferation issues particularly with reference to the NPT Review Conferences
published and made presentations including a paper – Nuclear Terrorism and UN Resolution 1540: A South Asian Perspective at the Conference on “Resolution 1540: At a Crossroads” held in the UN Headquarters in New York in October 2009
been part of the IDSA Working Group on the Seventh Review Conference on Biological Weapons Convention held in Geneva in December 2011
Completed a course on combating weapons of mass destruction in the Near East South Asia Centre, Washington in October 2013
Alumni from the National Defence University, Washington, DC
Write regularly for Stimson Center at the Generation Why website as part of Track II diplomacy between India and Pakistan
Currently a Visiting Fellow for the South Asia programme in the Stimson Center, Washington DC
Aim is to research and publish on critical areas pertaining to nuclear issues that can contribute to future policy making
Select Publications
“India’s Pursuit of Nuclear Disarmament” completed and accepted project chapter under ICSSR Project: Nuclearisation of South Asia: Implications for India’s National Security, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Global Centre of Nuclear Excellence: India’s Nuclear Security Provider, Defence and Diplomacy Journal, Vol. 5 no. 2, April-July 2016
The Roadmap for India’s Nuclear Security, Strategic Analysis, Volume 40, Issue 5, September 2016
“Islamic State and the Threat of Chemical Weapons” in SD Muni and Vivek Chadha (eds.), Asian Strategic Review 2016: Terrorism Emerging Trends (New Delhi: Pentagon Press, February 2016).
“Nuclear Security in Asia: Problems and Challenges”, Strategic Analyses, Vol 39, No 4, (2015), pp. 378-401
“Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership: India’s Gift Basket of Nuclear Security”, in SD Muni and Vivek Chadha (eds.), Asian Strategic Review 2015: India as a Security Provider(New Delhi: Pentagon Press, February 2015). Refereed, ISBN: 978-81-8274-825-5
India, the NSG, and the Chinese Impasse, E-International Relations, July 20 2016
Why India Should Continue to Push For NSG Membership, Huffington Post, June 28, 2016
China Remains a Proliferation Concern in the Indian Subcontinent,” IDSA Comment, April 22, 2016
“India is a de facto member of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty”, IDSA ISSUE BRIEF, December 24 2014.
“Ebola Threat: Global Challenge and India’s Preparedness”, CBW Magazine, Winter, July-December 2014.
“Nuclear Terrorism: The New Terror of the 21st Century”, IDSA Monograph Series No. 27, 2013.
“The Process of Negotiation of the Nuclear Deal/123 Agreement (India),” in PR Chari (ed.), Indo-US Nuclear Deal: Seeking Synergy in Bilateralism (New Delhi: Routledge, 2012), Revised edition.
“Tradition, the enemy of disarmament,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Development and Disarmament Roundtable, Women and nuclear weapons policy, May 16, 2014
India’s Nuclear Doctrine: A Study of its Tenets, Indian Foreign Affairs Journal, Vol 9, No. 1, Jan – Mar 2014.
“India and the 2014 Nuclear Security Summit”, E-International Relations, March 24 2014
“India and Nuclear Testing,” Strategic Analysis, Volume 33, Issue 5, September 2009, pages 629 – 633
Other Publications

Associate Fellow
Phone:-+91 11 2671 7983


Security of Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons

President Pervez Musharraf’s claim that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are safe as long as he is in charge has raised widespread speculation about the safety of Islamabad’s nuclear arsenal. Musharraf’s statement comes at a time when Pakistan is going through one of its worst period of domestic instability.