Shanthie Mariet D’Souza

Archive data: Person was Associate Fellow at IDSA

Joined IDSA
March 2006
United States Counter Terrorism policy towards Afghanistan, Pakistan, India; Terrorism; Non State Armed Groups; Conflict Management; International Relations Theory; Afghan Insurgency and the Counter Insurgency campaign.
PhD in International Relations, American Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
Current Project
United States Counter terrorism Objectives in South Asia: Implications for India
Visiting Fulbright Scholar at South Asia Studies, The Paul H Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC (2005-2006). She has been a Research Associate at Database & Documentation Centre of the Institute for Conflict Management, Guwahati, Assam and Editorial Assistant at the United Service Institution of India, New Delhi. She has conducted field studies in the United States, Canada, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Jammu and Kashmir and India’s North East.
Select Publications
Taking Stock of the Afghan Conflict: External-Internal Dimensions in Saving Afghanistan, Co-editor (New Delhi: Academic Foundation, 2009)
Afghanistan: Tipping Point in D. Suba Chandran & P.R. Chari (eds.) Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2008: Growing Violence (New Delhi: Routledge, 2009)
Afghanistan in South Asia: Regional Cooperation or Competition? South Asian Survey, Vol. 16, No. 1, 23-42, 2009.
Role of Media in Counter terrorism: A case study of Mumbai, Policy Brief, National Defence University Press, Washington DC, July 2009.
Mumbai Terrorist Attacks and Indo-Pakistan Relations, Agni, Studies in International Strategic Issues, 12 (1), New Delhi, January-March 2009.
Terror in Mumbai, Special Report, Encyclopedia Britannica, 2008, pp 192-93.
Securing India’s interest in Afghanistan, The Hindu (New Delhi), Oct 23, 2009.

Associate Fellow
Email:- shanthied[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone:- +91 11 2671 7983


India’s Role in Afghanistan: Need for Greater Engagement

The killing of Kasula Suryanarayana, an Indian telecommunications engineer working for a Bahrain based firm in the Zabul Province of Afghanistan raises important questions on the emerging challenges to India's efforts at reconstruction and stabilization of a "nascent democracy". Suryanarayana was reportedly abducted by the Taliban on April 28 and his abductors linked his safe release to the withdrawal of all Indians working in Afghanistan.