Shitanshu Mishra

Col Shitanshu Mishra was Research Fellow in IDSA, and is presently working on ‘Communication Technology and Counter Terrorism’. He is Fellow of Institution of Telecommunication and Electronics Engineers (IETE) for more than 10 years, and a member of Computer Society of India (CSI) for well over 15 years. He is one of the
founding members of ‘Association for Security of Information system.


Network Centric Warfare in the Context of ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’

The Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) moves on the wheels of Technology, Doctrine and Organisation; however, the main support structure, which gives it the predominant strength, is undoubtedly the technology. The changing concepts of warfare are driven by the available technology of the times. While sophisticated weapons and sensors have greatly enhanced combat efficiency, developments in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have enabled greater connectivity and information sharing among widely spread force components.

Exploitation of Information and Communication Technology by Terrorist Organisations

Almost every new technology developed has brought great benefits attached with some risks. To each ‘technology’, there is an ‘antitechnology’, making it a double edged weapon. But whatever be the risks, the progress just carries on, and new methods are found to tackle the risks. The phenomenal growth of computer and communication technologies, or ICT, is no exception and the main risk it has brought along with its benefits is that it has provided terrorist organisations great advantage in their nefarious activities.