Vinay Kaushal


Group Captain Vinay Kaushal (Retd) was commissioned in the Accounts Branch of IAF in July 1975 and superannuated in May 2010. He held varied appointments in field formations, staff appointments at Air HQs and instructional appointment in training formation during his service career where he made substantial contributions in enhancing the level of services provided and changing the procedures through innovative methods to bring about efficiency and cost savings. He was commended by AOC-in-C Eastern Air Command in 1991 and by the Chief of Air Staff in 1998. For his distinguished services of very high order, he was conferred the Presidential award of Vishisht Seva Medal in 2006. He refined the costing of major activities of IAF and piloted the use of Cost of Ownership model and Life Cycle Cost for acquisition. Presently he is Consultant with IDSA.
Publications at IDSA

Phone:-+91 11 2671 7983


Defence Budget 2015 -16: The Writing on the Wall

It is a fairly simple exercise to estimate what the defence budget will be given available indicators. My assessment is that the Budget Estimate for defence is likely to be around Rs. 250,000 crore, with 105,000 crore for Capital Expenditure and 145,000 Crore for Revenue Expenditure.