Strategic Analysis

India’s Nuclear Limbo and the Fatalism of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime, 1974–1983

India's relationship with the nuclear non-proliferation regime deteriorated sharply after its 1974 underground nuclear test which, according to India, was a peaceful nuclear explosion, but which was not accepted as such by the regime. That it did not follow up with immediate weaponisation challenged the core logic of the non-proliferation regime which operates on a Murphy's Law of ‘nuclear fatalism’, i.e. if a country has the know-how to produce nuclear weapons, it will certainly produce them.

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Energy Strategy for the Indian Navy: Need, Scope and a Roadmap

‘Energy’ is a key enabler of military combat power and it should be considered a strategic resource for the Indian Navy (IN). This article justifies the necessity of ensuring energy security for the IN in the backdrop of emerging energy challenges. It also discusses certain recent developments that point to the growing relevance of an energy policy for the IN. The article then discusses the contours and the scope of an integrated energy policy and proposes a roadmap for implementing an energy strategy for the IN.

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Can Robust Bilateral Cooperation on Common Rivers between Bangladesh and India Enhance Multilateral Cooperation on Water Security in South Asia?

The Himalayan river system, which is made up of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers, has a combined drainage area that covers the countries of China, India, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh. The basin of the Indus river, which originates in the Tibetan plateau, is the lifeline of regions in China, Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.

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China and IBSA: Possible BRICS Overreach?

The India–Brazil–South Africa (IBSA) forum, which was formalised in June 2003 through the adoption of the Brasilia Declaration based on the spirit of South–South solidarity, turns a decade old in 2013. The event will be celebrated at its first decadal summit in New Delhi. At the same time, this event needs to be juxtaposed with the fifth consecutive leadership summit of Brazil–Russia–India–China–South Africa (BRICS) in Durban in March 2013. Both IBSA and BRICS are in the limelight for their cross-continental politics.

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IBSA at 10: South–South development assistance and the challenge to build international legitimacy in a changing global order

This commentary engages with the IBSA model of South–South development assistance. It focuses on the IBSA Trust Fund to demonstrate the growing political relevance of the partnership in development assistance initiatives. This is followed by an analysis of Brazil's increasing participation in South–South development assistance in many developing countries around the world.

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Neville Maxwell’s War

Neville Maxwell's book, India's China War (Jaico Publishing House, Bombay, 1970) has already been subjected to extensive comments by a number of senior journalists in this country. By and large, the comments are not commendatory and one correspondent reflected the official view that it had woven a string of half-truths and misrepresentations around a preconceived conclusion. It is natural for an ordinary Indian to be indignant over the book.

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Pakistan, Afghanistan and the West by Ahmed Rashid

In the recent past, Pakistan has earned the distinction of being the most dangerous place on earth. According to some analysts it is a failed state, while others insist that since there is every possibility of resurrection, it should not be considered a failed state. However, almost everyone would agree that the state is in the midst of a severe crisis and poses a great danger to peace in the world in general and the region in particular.

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Rethinking Class in Russia by Suvi Salmenniemi (ed.)

Class is a normatively charged concept rooted in ideas of oppression, exploitation and domination. The collapse of the Soviet Union engendered an unprecedented rise of social inequalities in Russia. Social differentiation, poverty and the emergence of a newly rich class on the eve of the Soviet collapse have seldom been analysed from a class perspective. Rethinking Class in Russia addresses this lack by exploring how class positions are constructed and negotiated in new Russia, by taking an ethnographic and cultural studies approach to the topic.

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