China in SAARC? To What Effect?

Sujit Dutta
PRESENTLY ON LIEN Joined IDSA 1987 Expertise China’s Foreign Policy and Diplomacy; State and Politics in 20th Century China; Asian Security issues; India-China Relations; International Relations Theory Education PhD in… Continue reading China in SAARC? To What Effect? read more

Over the past few years there has been a move by some of the member states of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) to induct China into the regional organisation. China, in turn, has indicated its desire to join. Since other extra-regional states were also keen to be involved, SAARC has opened its doors since 2007 for out-of region states through a new arrangement. Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, Iran, Mauritius, Myanmar, the European Union and the United States – all with substantial diplomatic, economic and in some cases security engagements with the region – have been invited to join and be included as ‘observers’. Indonesia, Russia and South Africa have also expressed their desire to join as observers.