China Risen? Studying Chinese Global Power

Avinash Godbole
Archive data: Person was Research Assistant at IDSA from June 2009 to February 2016 Joined IDSA June 2009 Research Interests Chinese Foreign Policy, India-China Relations, Environmental Changes in China, India’s… Continue reading China Risen? Studying Chinese Global Power read more
Book Review

It would be an understatement to say that there has been a significant rise in the number of academic and media writings on China in the past decade or so. Globally, Rush Doshi’s work has been well received. Thomas Orlik’s book on China’s economy is a significant one, and Kishore Mahbubani continues to challenge assumptions with works like Has China Won? In China’s Good War, Rana Mitter reminds us as to how China uses episodes from history to suit the political objectives of the present era. Even in India, in the past couple of years alone, there have been significant books published on China and its rise. Ananth Krishnan’s India’s China Challenge, Professor Kanti Bajpai’s timely work comparing India and China and their power gap and the two books by former foreign secretary Mr. Vijay Gokhale have all been well received.