Importance of PM Modi’s Visit to Iran: Opportunities and Challenges for India

M. Mahtab Alam Rizvi
Archive data: Person was Associate Fellow at IDSA Joined IDSA June 2007 Research Interests Political Developments in Iran, Energy Security Education PhD in Political Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh Background… Continue reading Importance of PM Modi’s Visit to Iran: Opportunities and Challenges for India read more
Ashok K. Behuria
Dr. Ashok K.Behuria is a Fellow and Coordinator of the South Asia Centre at MP-IDSA. He is a Ph.D in International Relations from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. He… Continue reading Importance of PM Modi’s Visit to Iran: Opportunities and Challenges for India read more

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Iran is important in many ways. It came at a time when India is seriously contemplating activation of its ‘Look West’ policy and banking on Iran as a ‘gateway’ and provider of a corridor to Central Asia and Afghanistan. The visit sought to revitalise India–Iran bilateral relations which has passed through an uncertain phase during the last decade.

PM Modi visited Iran on May 22–23, 2016—the first official visit by any Indian prime minister to Tehran in the last 15 years. The last PM to pay an official visit to Iran was Atal Behari Vajpayee in 2001, who led the previous National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government (1999–2004). Former PM Manmohan Singh did visit Tehran briefly in 2012 to participate in the Sixteenth NAM (Non-Aligned Movement) Summit, but it did not generate much news.

Keywords: India-Iran Relations