In the Wake of the US Withdrawal

Sumit Ganguly
Archive data: Person was Distinguished Visiting Fellow at IDSA Sumit Ganguly is a Professor of Political Science, the Director of the India Studies Program and holds the Rabindranath Tagore Chair… Continue reading In the Wake of the US Withdrawal read more

As the United States seeks to draw down its security forces in Afghanistan, India faces a serious policy conundrum. It has made, as Vishal Chandra argues, significant developmental and infrastructural investments in the country. If the US military withdrawal is significant, even if not precipitate, it may leave the field open to a reconstitution of the Taliban within the country. Such an outcome will dramatically enhance Pakistani influence in the country and thereby place India’s very substantial commitments to date at risk. Worse still, it will again enable the Pakistani security-intelligence apparatus to use Afghan soil to organise, train and arm a host of jihadi entities for use against India. Consequently, it is vitally important for Indian policy makers to formulate a strategy to try and forestall this potentially disastrous outcome.