India and Indonesia: Trade and Investment Complementarities

Rahul Mishra
Archive data: Person was Research Assistant at IDSA from June 2009 to September 2013 Joined IDSA June 2009 Expertise Australia, Southeast Asia and the Southwest Pacific region, Asia-Pacific security. Education… Continue reading India and Indonesia: Trade and Investment Complementarities read more

India and Indonesia are increasingly seen as emerging Asian economies, and have undergone massive economic reforms in the past two decades. Strong economic fundamentals with a robust financial sector and manufacturing industry have positioned them among the top five investment destinations in Asia. In order to maximise the gains from their bilateral relations, however, the two countries have to tread a middle path; a mix of seeking complementarities in the economic field, while competing with each other in terms of attracting foreign investments. So far, their trade ties have not realised their true potential but there still is a hope that with the signing of the CECA, India and Indonesia will not only achieve the $20 billion bilateral trade target by 2015, but will also set new benchmarks for a symbiotic economic relationship.

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Keywords: India-Indonesia Relations, Indonesia