Is the Mumbai Police Geared up to the Task of Combating Terrorism?

Amit Kumar
Archive data: Person was Research Assistant at IDSA from February 2011 to February 2016 Joined IDSA February 2011 Expertise Russian Affairs, Nuclear related issues, Ethnicity, Internal Security Challenges, Good-Governance Education… Continue reading Is the Mumbai Police Geared up to the Task of Combating Terrorism? read more

The Police Force stands at the cutting-edge of countering terrorism. However, the preparedness of the Mumbai police leaves much to be desired. The problems police forces in Mumbai and elsewhere in the country face are many and warrant a concerted effort on the part of the centre and the states. The central and state governments have indeed tried to address this issue and a comprehensive police modernization programme is underway. This Issue Brief reviews the progress or lack thereof on the front of modernization of police forces under the Modernisation of Police Forces (MPF) Scheme, with specific reference to the Mumbai Police.

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