Pakistan Occupied Kashmir : Changing the Discourse

Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
ISBN 81-86019-90-1
Price: ₹. 175/- Purchase Download E-copy

About the Report

As part of the ongoing IDSA research project on Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), a Round Table was organised at IDSA on August 19, 2010.The project report is based on the proceedings of this Round Table and, it also has significant inputs from the POK News Digest, IDSA’s monthly newsletter on developments in PoK. The report brings out key facts relating to the history of PoK and analyses the prevailing political situation in the region. The report aims to disseminate information on PoK, inform public opinion and create awareness on a crucial issue which has been largely ignored.


Brief Background
Why PoK is Important?
PoK since 1947
  The Situation in ‘Azad Jammu and Kashmir’
    Framework for Administration
    Nominal Independence
    Economic Exploitation
  Situation in Gilgit-Baltistan
    Self Governance Order 2009: Empowerment or Eyewash?
    Demographic Change in Gilgit-Baltistan
    Sectarian Violence
  Economic Exploitation
Increasing International Attention
  Human Rights Violations in PoK
  The Reports by HRW, HRCP and ICG
  Emma Nicholson’s Report: Significant Observations
Militant Training Camps and Jihadi Influence
Growing Chinese Presence
Cross-LoC Transport & Trade
PoK and India: A Case of Neglect
  I. Readings
  II. Chronology of Significant Developments in PoK during 2009-2010
  III. Fact Sheet on Pakistan Occupied Kashmir
  IV. The Constitution of India Part XXI
  V. Map

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